Category: Validation

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Annex 1 & Contamination Control Strategy

Presented by: Cody Beaumont, Associate Director, Quality Compliance and Regulatory, CAI Annex 1 and a Contamination Control Strategy are critical aspects of pharmaceutical manufacturing, focusing on maintaining quality, safety, and compliance as is expected in a regulatory setting.  Annex 1 of the European Union’s Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) serves as a guideline and cornerstone for […]

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Managing Cleaning Validation at an Operational Facility

Presented by: Saurabh Joshi Shripad, Director for Solutions Engineering, ValGenesis, Inc. Ensuring the validated state of a cleaning process in an operational facility is complex, requiring a delicate balance of efficiency, compliance, and constant readiness. In this webinar, we’ll talk about how we can not only get this balance right but also make it even […]

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